About FiboSearch
Why we built it?
Baymard Institute’s latest UX research reveals that search autocomplete, auto-suggest, or an instant search feature is now offered on 96% of major e-commerce sites. It’s a must-have feature for every online business that can’t afford to lose customers.
By default, WooCommerce provides a very simple search solution, without live product search or even SKU search. FiboSearch solves it by providing user-friendly and effective search with live suggestions.
Mission & Vision
We want to support owners of WooCommerce stores in applying the best practices in the field of product search.
We create and popularize search tools that make shopping easier. We believe that everyone, even a novice entrepreneur, can use a good search system in their store, similar to those used by the top e-commerce stores.

FiboSearch Team
Damian Góra
Founder & CEO
Damian is an entrepreneur and a full-stack developer. He is passionate about coding and playing guitar. He has recently discovered the pleasure of wood carving.
Mateusz Czardybon
Lead Engineer
Mateusz is our backend developer. He has started his friendship with WordPress from version 2.9.2. He loves automation of all kinds and making things more useful. Privately - Mateusz is a happy husband, a father of two boys and huge fan of new technologies, good music, coffee and books.
Marta Czuczman
Technical Support Agent
Marta is our support agent. She loves solving problems and helping others. Privately a wife, a mother of two and a bookworm. She tries to live ecologically.
Krzysztof Ślósarz
Technical Support Agent
Krzysztof is our support agent. He’s been working with WordPress for 8 years, mainly involved in coding themes. Privately, a big fan of movies, football and coffee.
Piotr Korsak
Content Marketer
Piotr is our content marketer. He likes to read and write about technological breakthroughs. A bookworm, whose main interest nowadays are pieces on design and typography. He is a vegan living with his partner and a cat named Jawor. In his free time he rides a bike, solo or in tandem as a pilot for a visually impaired man.
Justyna Bernacka
Justyna is our graphic designer and illustrator. She is the creator of our cartoon visual elements, the Fibo mascot included.
Our values
We believe in people, innovation, results
We believe in simple yet elegant solutions to modern e-commerce problems.
We value customer service highly and you can always count on our outstanding support team.
Trustworthy and honest
We only sell you the product you need for your business to flourish, ready to go, bloat-free and upgraded on a daily basis.
Committed to users
We make our users’ lives a little easier, giving their brands an edge that stands out from the competition.

Meet our happy customers
Trusted by 100 000+ entrepreneurs, developers and WooCommerce community members.

FiboSearch Pro
Fast search to boost your sales
Join thousands of entrepreneurs who use FiboSearch Pro