
It's a changelog of the FiboSearch Pro. To see a changelog of the FiboSearch Free version, visit our page on

  • Release Date - June 28, 2024

    Fixed Removed the phrase “” from the JavaScript code comment. FiboSearch has never linked to this compromised library, but some security tools recognize this JavaScript comment as a potential link to malware. All reports are false positive.
    Fixed PHP deprecated notice in \DgoraWcas\Helpers::keyIsValid
    Fixed Unnecessary display of warning in Troubleshooting when products are displayed using a widget from “JetSmartFilters
  • Release Date - May 21, 2024

    Added New search bar style - a compact version of a Pirx style
    Added Integration with the Cartzilla theme
    Added Integration with the Rey theme
    Added Placeholders to display custom content for new suggestion types like taxonomy, post, page, and product_variation
    Added Multilingual - allowing longer language codes (or slugs in TranslatePress)
    Added TranslatePress - possibility to skip product translation
    Added Allowing indexing of variants that have zero price
    Added Debugger - catalog visibility and stock status checker
    Added Debugger - products visibility checker
    Added Possibility to generate product data variants in the index without spaces
    Fixed Woodmart theme - unable to close the mobile menu after exiting the mobile search overlay
    Fixed Flatsome theme - disappearing search bar on mobile phones
    Fixed Flatsome - cannot change search bar style to Pirx
    Fixed Divi theme - shortcodes are not rendered in the description in the Details Panel for pages
    Fixed XStore theme - the integration doesn't replace all search forms
    Fixed Uncode theme - the search icon doesn't show in the header
    Fixed Force disabling transition effect on search input to avoid unexpected layout bouncing
    Fixed Allowing to calculate score including one and two-character words
    Fixed Better recognition of iOS
    Fixed Indexing error due to too long HTML prices of variations
    Fixed Indexing error when product attribute is empty
    Fixed No results with WPML and WooCommerce Wholesale Prices plugins
    Fixed Incorrect comparison in the tokenizer. Make stopwords lowercase in the tokenizer before calling array_diff
    Fixed Possibility to pass the language when debugging the product in the index
    Tweak Removed OPcache invalidation for the shortcode template file
    Tweak Reverting test in Troubleshooting module for newer versions of HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce plugin
    Updated The .pot file
    Updated Freemius SDK to v2.7.2
  • Release Date - February 01, 2024

    Fixed B2BKing plugin - better support for searching in terms
  • Release Date - January 31, 2024

    Added Integration with the Betheme theme
    Added Highlight words in search results with Greek letters regardless of accent
    Added Support for “Full-width Search” in the XStore theme
    Fixed Multiple search containers on mobile in the Astra theme integration
    Fixed No focus on search input for mobile devices in the Astra theme integration
    Fixed Allow an HTML <i> tag in suggestion titles and headlines
    Fixed Multilingual support is active even for one language
    Fixed Overriding the search icon and form in the header was not working properly in the WoodMart integration
    Fixed Missing filters from “Advanced AJAX Product Filters” plugin in the Divi theme
    Fixed Replace &#37 for more stable format %% in a sprintf function
    Fixed An unwanted modal after closing the search overlay on mobile in the Flatsome theme
    Fixed Missing colors after updating the Bloksy theme to 2.x
    Fixed Incorrect calculation of a product's position in search results when it contains Greek letters
    Fixed Incorrect term language detection in the WPML plugin. Replacing term_id with term_taxonomy_id
    Fixed Unwanted ampersand entity in the product description of search results
    Fixed No search results in Turkish when the phrase starts with a capital dotted i
    Fixed No results when the search phrase contains Latin and Greek letters
    Fixed Typo in an HTML class name related to variations
    Fixed The search index could not be built due to a missing table in some rare cases
    Fixed Missing vendor image in search results in the MultivendorX plugin
    Fixed Disappearing filters in the JetSmartFilters plugin
    Fixed PHP warning when using the Elementor widget FiboSearch Posts Search Results
    Fixed Visible products and categories against the rules in the category view in the Details Panel in the B2BKing plugin
    Fixed A fatal error when we return no results for a custom post using a filter
    Fixed Don't save html_price in the readable index when dynamic prices are enabled
    Tweak Do not run the search engine on the search page when the phrase is empty
    Updated Requires PHP: 7.4
    Updated The .pot file
    Updated Polish translation
    Updated Freemius SDK v2.6.2
    Refactor Improved index structure creation (better error detection)
    Refactor Integrations related to hiding products - storing product IDs using Transient API instead of PHP sessions
  • Release Date - October 19, 2023

    Fixed Details panel - wrong HTML format of a stock status element
  • Release Date - October 17, 2023

    Added Integration with Bricks builder. Read how to config Bricks in our documentation
    Added Integration with Brizy builder
    Added Improved Greeklish support
    Added Automatic disabling of the mechanism for blocking data writing to the database when it is not supported by the server
    Fixed Calc score by comparing every word of the search phrase instead of all search phrase
    Fixed WooCommerce Wholesale Prices plugin - invalid search results e.g. not hidden products and categories in the search results
    Fixed Flatsome theme - if there are more search icons, only one is replaced
    Fixed WPRocket - in some cases search fields/icons are not replaced immediately after the page load
    Fixed Highlight matched words instead of the whole search phrase
    Fixed WooCommerceB2B by Addify - remove undefined function
    Fixed Error while viewing the index build failure report
    Fixed Index build fails due to missing getmypid() function call
    Fixed TranslatePress - excluding products by category causes the index to be empty
    Fixed qTranslate-XT - excluding products by category causes the index to be empty
    Fixed TranslatePress - untranslated product title when it contains a hyphen
    Fixed B2BKing - no results when the WPML plugin is also active
    Fixed Wrong variation URLs when WPML is active
    Fixed The index does not build when the product image URL is in the wrong format
    Fixed Table missing error when editing/deleting taxonomy term (multilingual sites only)
    Fixed JetSmartFilters plugin filter values disappear on the search results page when the TranslatePress plugin is active
    Tweak Allowing access to the Personalization class via DGWT_WCAS() function
    Tweak HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce plugin - disable the test in the Troubleshooting module for newer versions of this plugin
    Tweak Search speed optimization
    Tweak Support for language codes like xx_XX
    Updated Freemius SDK v2.5.12
    Refactor Replace .click() with trigger('click'), .focus() with trigger('focus'), .blur() with trigger('blur')
    Refactor Replace jQuery.fn.mouseup() with $(document).on('mouseup')
    Refactor Replace jQuery.isFunction() with typeof fn === 'function'
  • Release Date - July 05, 2023

    Added Possibility to search for taxonomy terms regardless of accents in a phrase or term name
    Added Added some new filters to change URLs of results in autocomplete and details panel
    Added Compatibility with 5.x of the WooCommerce Visibility plugin
    Added Shortcode to display search results for post types. Read about it in our documentation
    Added Indexing images for other post types than product
    Added Integration with WooCommerceB2B by Addify
    Added Integration with WooCommerce B2B plugin by Code4Life
    Added Stopping the search after detecting an illegal phrase
    Added Troubleshooting - warning against limiting the length of database queries in the WP Engine environment
    Fixed Warnings due to open_basedir restrictions
    Fixed Integration with the Impreza theme - broken AJAX pagination for Grid element
    Fixed Integration with the TheGem theme - missing search results when the Layout Type option is set to Products Grid
    Fixed Integration with the Divi theme - mobile overlay not showing up
    Fixed Stronger sanitization of the details panel output
    Fixed Indexer error due to too invalid cookie
    Fixed Elementor - no image height alignment in the FiboSearch Posts Search Results widget
    Fixed Support for dynamic prices for the plugin YITH Multi Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
    Tweak New filter to manipulate a term output
    Tweak Improved recognition if the B2BKing plugin is active (under SHORTINIT mode)
    Tweak DGWT_WCAS()->searchPosts() returns empty results if index was invalid
    Updated Freemius SDK v2.5.10
    Updated Polish translation
  • Release Date - May 25, 2023

    Added Searching interface usable from within PHP
    Added Integration with the Minimog theme. Read about it in our documentation
    Added Posts, pages, and taxonomy terms are included in the FiboSearch Analytics module
    Added A feature that supports the Dark theme feature in the Nave theme
    Added Possibility to change the color of a search bar underlay. Only for the Pirx style
    Added New search widget and extended search results for Elementor
    Fixed Broken integrations with filter plugins when home_url was empty
    Fixed Incorrect log file in failed index build reports
    Fixed Index build failed because of a missing wp_cache_flush_group() function
    Fixed Indexer error [Searchable index] Database error "Duplicate entry '16777215'(...)"
    Fixed Indexer error because a column was too short in the database
    Fixed Uncode theme - incorrect results on the search results page
    Fixed Slow index building when the TranslatePress plugin is active
    Fixed PHP exceptions were thrown from the Redis Object Cache plugin and it stopped the indexer-building process
    Fixed Wrong position of search icons in the history search module
    Fixed Broken suggestions layout and detailed panel visibility when the Minimum characters option is set to less than >1
    Fixed Compatibility with PHP 8.1
    Fixed Hide unnecessary modules when constant DGWT_WCAS_ANALYTICS_ONLY_CRITICAL is set to true in the FiboSearch Analytics module
    Fixed Incorrect display of information about constants on the debug page
    Fixed Other minor bugs in the FiboSearch Analytics module
    Fixed Integration with the Astra theme - support for version 4.1.0 of Astra Addon
    Fixed A HTML tag <br> was unnecessarily stripped in the description in the details panel
    Fixed The voice search feature - overlapping icons and disabling functionality on Safari
    Tweak New filter to manipulate taxonomy term data that are indexed
    Updated French translation
    Updated Freemius SDK v2.5.8
    Refactor Change order if set settings defaults. Now the defaults are set after calling dgwt/wcas/settings filter
    Security A trivial vulnerability in the code. Possible XSS, but it requires an administrator role
    Tests Two integration tests that check saving phrases in a database table
    Tests Fix assertion in "Analytics / Critical searches without result"
  • Release Date - April 05, 2023

    Added Ability to search using Greeklish for Greek
    Added Fuzzy search, synonyms, and other pro features available in searching for taxonomy terms
    Added Integration with Blocksy theme. Read about it in our documentation
    Added Integration with Qwery theme. Read about it in our documentation
    Added Integration with StoreBiz theme. Read about it in our documentation
    Added Allows the Shop manager role to manage the plugin settings by adding a constant to the wp.config.php file. Read about it in our documentation
    Added Allows creating HTML templates instead of displaying simple No results message. Read about it in our documentation
    Improved Blocks calculating score if the phrase contains a single character
    Fixed Disabling the search cache using a PHP constant didn't completely disable it. Now it disables it completely
    Fixed Table doesn't exist error during index building in some rare cases
    Fixed More accurate calculation of the order of products in search results. The extra score for an exact match of a sequence of words
    Fixed Incorrect product links in search results with the Permalink Manager for WooCommerce plugin active
    Fixed Storefront theme - not working focus event while using a mobile overlay for iPhone devices
    Fixed Mobile overlay on iPhone devices - didn't hide search results on a scroll event or after clicking the done button
    Fixed iPhone devices - annoying auto zoom in search input on focus
    Fixed Search icon mode and search history - a search bar was needlessly concealed on clicking the Clear button
    Fixed Freemius SDK - added submenu slug
    Fixed Flatsome theme - detecting incompatible settings and disappearing search form on hover
    Fixed Layout option - hidden triangle icon when a layout is icon and style is Pirx
    Fixed TranslatePress and qTranslate-XT - untranslated breadcrumbs in category results
    Tweak Ability to disable the mutex mechanism during indexing
    Tweak Replacing empty href tag with # in the Storefront theme integration because of SEO
    Tweak Multilingual - supporting language codes up to 10 characters
    Tweak Removed unnecessary AJAX request on the settings page
    Tweak Trivial CSS changes
    Updated Polish translation
    Updated Freemius SDK to v2.5.6
    Refactor Forcing mobile overlay breakpoint and in layout breakpoint in theme integrations
    Refactor Variables names in the method Helpers::calcScore()
  • Release Date - January 30, 2023

    Fixed Some prices were not aligned properly
  • Release Date - January 30, 2023

    Added New feature - Search history. The current search history is presented when the user clicked/taped on the search bar, but hasn't yet typed the query
    Added FiboSearch Analytics - New widget in WordPress Dashboard with critical searches without result. Read about it in our documentation
    Added Integration with Essentials theme
    Added Make the UI_FIXER object the global object
    Added Ability to search for vendors by description and city (only for MultiVendorX)
    Added Ability to exclude critical phrases in the Analytics module. Read about it in our documentation
    Added Custom JavaScript events during the search process. Read about it in our documentation
    Added Ability to export search analytics data as CSV files
    Added Javascript and CSS dynamic compression
    Fixed Integration with Flatsome theme - focus event didn't work with a search bar
    Fixed Integration with WooCommerce Product Filter by WooBeWoo - Undefined array key 'query' notice
    Fixed Integration with Jet Smart Menu - repair duplicated search bars IDs
    Fixed Integration with Astra theme - support for version 4.0.0
    Fixed Integration with Astra theme - cannot change the number of products on the cart page
    Fixed Integration with XStore theme - support for search icon in mobile panel
    Fixed Compatibility with PHP 8.1
    Fixed RWD for FiboSearch Settings views including Analytics views
    Fixed Search bar CSS, especially when Pirx style and Voice Search work together
    Fixed A user with permission to edit plugin settings cannot see search analytics
    Fixed Pages can not be searched when the database prefix is empty
    Fixed Improved compatibility with other plugins on the search results page
    Fixed Broken index when there are many variants. Get variants faster when building an index
    Tweak Hide the Voice Search icon when a user starts typing
    Tweak Remove information that Analytics is a beta feature
    Tweak Remove information that Darkened Background is a beta feature
    Tweak Set a Pirx as a default search bar style
    Updated French translation
    Updated Freemius SDK to v2.5.3
  • Release Date - November 24, 2022 (Pro version only)

    Fixed Multisite: search does not work when the plugin is activated on a network-wide level
    Fixed Rare database error Duplicate entry... error when building search index
  • Release Date - November 21, 2022

    Added Integration with Product GTIN (EAN, UPC, ISBN) for WooCommerce plugin. Read about it in our documentation
    Added Integration with EAN for WooCommerce plugin. Read about it in our documentation
    Fixed Missing translation domain in some texts
    Fixed Support variants of <br> tag in product names in autocomplete
    Fixed Integration with the Astra theme - unclosed <div> tag
    Fixed UI_FIXER: check if event listeners were correctly added to search inputs. If no, reinitiate the search instance
    Fixed UI_FIXER: rebuild all search bars without correct JS events
    Fixed Database error while updating or deleting product category
    Fixed Warning: strpos(): Empty needle when there is a no s parameter
    Fixed Can't get terms in the Exclude/include products option
    Fixed Unnecessary secondary connection with a database in the indexer
    Fixed MySQL deadlock errors during index building
    Fixed Integration with Booster Plus for WooCommerce - error during index building
    Fixed The endpoint of the search engine responds when the plugin is disabled
    Fixed Not indexing custom fields - this fixes an issue that occurred after integrating FiboSearch with some EAN-related plugins
    Fixed Double results in the autocomplete
    Fixed The index cannot be rebuilt with an empty DB prefix
    Fixed Disable voice search for Chrome on iPhone or iPad
    Fixed Unable to embed search bar as a widget
    Fixed Exclude save phrases to analyze when the phrase is fibotests or the user has a specific role
    Fixed Invalid index status even though the index was built correctly
    Fixed Push the index-building process further after updating the plugin. The index wasn't started in many cases
    Fixed Integration with WC Marketplace stopped working after it was rebranded to MultiVendorX
    Updated Freemius SDK to v2.5.2
  • Release Date - September 18, 2022 (Pro version only)

    Fixed Resignation from the WP Cache in favor of a new own object cache solution that uses non-persistent mode. Some WP Cache based solutions caused complications when indexing or searching
  • Release Date - September 15, 2022 (Pro version only)

    Fixed Indexer issues: WordPress Object Cache issues
    Fixed Indexer issues: Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes
    Fixed Indexer issues: [Searchable index] Database error "Duplicate entry...
    Fixed Warning related to Zend OPcache API when using plugin shortcode
    Fixed Double indexing for new installations
  • Release Date - September 13, 2022

    Added Integration with Neve theme
    Added Integration with WP Rocket
    Added Integration with Product Specifications for Woocommerce plugin
    Added Include block sources in the plugin package
    Added Possibility to reset search statistics from the settings page
    Added Polish translation
    Improved Logging of indexer errors related to the database
    Improved Detection of non-emergency errors while building the index
    Fixed Incorrect display of styles with personalization of the search
    Fixed Wrong settings index in Impreza and Enfold theme
    Fixed Removed of unnecessary language files
    Fixed Always set cursor at the end of the input
    Fixed Incorrect verification if the browser supports speech recognition
    Fixed FiboSearch Analytics - not working check buttons of the latest loading list
    Fixed Unnecessary options and transients after uninstalling plugin
    Fixed Indexer error when the variation has a very long SKU
    Fixed Unable to save fields with capital letters in the Search in custom fields option
    Fixed Not indexing ACF fields with - in the name
    Fixed Constant rebuilding of the index in certain circumstances
    Fixed Error trying to index products whose languages were not active
    Fixed Using a second DB connection to database outside searchable indexer context
    Fixed Incorrectly handled transaction to the database during index build
    Fixed Index building stops for unspecified reasons at 80% or 100%
    Fixed Not including filtered data when indexing a variation of product
    Fixed Indexer error when multilingualism is disabled by constant and the TranslatePress or qTranslate-XT plugin is active
    Fixed Unable do add new indexer logs
    Fixed No terms in Exclude/include products option
    Fixed Duplicated SQL queries during page load
    Fixed No search results when a category is excluded with an active Polylang plugin
    Fixed Notice in indexer logs with active Polylang plugin and indexing of post/pages
    Refactor Removing references to dgwt_wcas_si_info table which is no longer used
  • Release Date - July 25, 2022

    Added New feature - New search layout called Pirx. Read about it in our blog
    Added New feature - FiboSearch Analytics. Read about it in our documentation
    Added New feature - Voice search. Read about it in our blog
    Added New feature - Parallel indexing. Read about it in our blog
    Added New feature - Building and updating index via WP-CLI. Read about it in our documentation
    Added New feature - FiboSearch blocks in the block editor
    Added New feature - Layout type: Icon on desktop, search bar on mobile
    Added Separated option mobile_overlay_breakpoint to handle overlay on mobile breakpoint
    Added Add mobile_overlay_breakpoint as a shortcode param to add the opportunity to set this value independently of global settings
    Added UI_FIXER: try to regenerate search bars when they were added by AJAX callbacks
    Added Support for header builder in integration with Astra theme
    Added Support all types of layout in widget and embedding via a menu
    Added Ability to reset plugin settings to default values
    Added New shortcode params: submit_btn and submit_text
    Improved Exclude common WooCommerce pages from search results
    Improved Ability to build and update a search index using actions
    Improved Another question marks for FiboSearch settings that cover our documentation
    Improved Settings preview - smooth scrolling
    Improved Settings preview - animate typing on a search preview for Search bar tab
    Improved Improved darkened background positioning (support for sticky elements as well)
    Improved Improved search suggestions and the details panel positioning (support for sticky elements as well)
    Improved Improved handling of database errors when building the index
    Tweak New filter to change score of custom post results
    Tweak New hook when index build aborts due to an error
    Tweak English grammar typos
    Fixed WOOF – Products Filter for WooCommerce integration: broken counters on the search results page
    Fixed Interdependent settings in Settings -> Search bar -> Style -> Design
    Fixed Settings page: wrong position of a questions mark (Safari)
    Fixed JavaScript errors in the settings page when the GeoTargetingWP plugin is active
    Fixed Try to add dgwt-wcas-active class again if it has not been added by other events
    Fixed Incorrect elements position after load iconMode
    Fixed Incorrect adding CSS class as shortcode parameter
    Fixed Building the index fails because of too long phrases
    Fixed Remove redundant caching of settings in MainQuery
    Fixed Multisite: building an index on the main site, breaks the indexes on other sites
    Fixed TranslatePress integration: slow index building when there are products with many variations
    Fixed Unnecessary initialization of fuzzy search when $config['fuzz'] was filled
    Fixed Invalid CSS classes for post and page search results
    Fixed Clear taxonomies cache when the settings are updated. It clears the cache only for settings related to taxonomies
    Fixed Troubleshooting: test if HUSKY - Advanced searching by Text extension from WOOF - WooCommerce Products Filter plugin is active
    Fixed Indexer: rounding build progress formatting
    Fixed Indexer: hide error icon from menu after successfully building index
    Fixed Indexer: building an index gets stuck at 100% in some rare cases
    Fixed Indexer: resuming the index build as scheduled when it got stuck the previous time
    Updated Freemius SDK to v2.4.4
    Refactor Indexer: Replacing PDO with WPDB
    Refactor Settings page: rebuild the settings section Search Bar -> Appearance to improve UX
    Refactor Search bars fixer
  • Release Date - May 12, 2022

    ADD: New feature - FiboSearch Analytics. This feature will be available to everyone in FiboSearch v1.19.0. To enable it in v1.18.0 declare constant define( 'DGWT_WCAS_ANALYTICS_ENABLE', true ); in wp-config.php

    ADD: Open selected suggestion in new tab by shortcut Cmd+Enter/Ctrl+Enter

    ADD: Show score in search results on the Debug page

    ADD: Link darkened background and fuzzy search feature to the documentation

    ADD: Allow filtering no-results response

    ADD: Integration with WooCommerce Protected Categories plugin

    ADD: Possibility not to translate search index fields by TranslatePress

    ADD: An alternative search engine endpoint can be enabled with a constant

    ADD: New filter to manipulate search results score for taxonomy terms

    FIX: Improving ESC key functionality: If there are suggestions, ESC hides them. If there are not suggestions and mobile icon mode is enabled, ESC disables mobile icon mode. If there are not suggestions and darkened overlay is enabled, ESC disables darkened overlay

    FIX: Allow recognizing CMD key

    FIX: Remove interaction on the TAB key

    FIX: Elementor popups - reinit search bars after loading Elementor's popup

    FIX: Cannot open the first result with Ctrl + Enter

    FIX: Prevent displaying search results, if the search icon mode is closed

    FIX: Unnecessary closing mobile icon mode and darkened overlay mode after selecting text in the search bar. It used to happen often when users selected text from the search bar to remove it and write something new but clicked outside the search bar (JS mouseup event was outside the bar)

    FIX: Better sanitization of the plugin settings

    FIX: Unable to search taxonomies terms with ampersands

    FIX: Site Health warning about active session when some plugin integrations are active

    FIX: “No results” suggestion if all results have been removed in earlier filters

    FIX: Excluded product variations in the “Out of stock” fixer in the Troubleshooting module

    REFACTOR: Retrieving results on the search page without additional HTTP request

  • Release Date - February 28, 2022

    ADD: New beta feature - “Darkened background”

    ADD: Integration with Kadence theme

    ADD: Integration with TheGem (Elementor) and renamed TheGem (WPBakery)

    ADD: Comments in template files for the Details Panel

    ADD: Refreshing the content on the checkout page when a product is added to the cart from the search Details Panel

    ADD: Tooltip with information about overriding when an option is overridden by theme integration

    ADD: Ability to replace part of the phrase before searching

    FIX: Conflict between Salient theme and Shipmondo plugin

    FIX: Unexpected hiding from the search bar right after the “focus” event. Bug occurred only on mobiles

    FIX: Hide the Storefront handheld footer bar when the search results are open. Otherwise, handheld footer bar covers the autocomplete dropdown

    FIX: Prevent toggle mobile overlay if the search bar doesn't have this mode

    FIX: Non-existing table during the database repair process

    FIX: Minor security issues

    FIX: Fatal errors in PHP 8 when the dashboard language is set to “ru_RU”

    FIX: Add artificial overlay to cover the “Close Button” because SVG elements don't provide information about parents elements in ""

    CHANGE: General tooltip style on the plugin settings page - more padding, bigger font, right position of the tooltip, auto cursor, wider

  • Release Date - February 03, 2022

    ADD: Integration with a XStore theme

    ADD: Allow customization of the Details Panel with actions and filters

    ADD: Templating system to override details panel templates via child-theme

    ADD: Troubleshooting - test if product translations are enabled in the Polylang settings

    ADD: Add extra CSS classes when search bar is focused

    ADD: Integration with MemberPress plugin

    FIX: Compatibility with PHP 8.1

    FIX: Integration with Astra theme - the “Save Changes” button disappeared after turning on the integration

    FIX: JavaScript errors on the plugin activation page

    FIX: Bug with enabling and disabling “overlay on mobile” feature during window resizing and reaching a breakpoint

    FIX: Missing "Troubleshooting" tab icon with the number of issues

    FIX: MySQL deadlocks during index building

    FIX: Polylang - the search engine stopped working when one of the two languages was deactivated

    FIX: Requiring file class-http.php emits deprecated warning in WordPress 5.9

  • Release Date - December 21, 2021

    FIX: Dynamic pricing is not displaying correctly

  • Release Date - December 16, 2021

    ADD: Integration with a Uncode theme

    ADD: Integration with Uncode theme - support for dark menu skin

    ADD: Possibility to submit the search event to Google Analytics in your own way

    ADD: Basic support for AMP

    ADD: Allow getting search results programmatically

    ADD: New path for WordPress load: wp-cms

    ADD: Ability to load the search endpoint from custom locations

    ADD: Allow switch to the alternative search endpoint if the default is blocked

    ADD: The loader icon in the “Indexer” tab while building the index

    FIX: Integration with the Goya theme has stopped working

    FIX: Divi theme integration - overlay on mobile was fixed. Support for new Divi ID #et_top_search_mob

    FIX: Divi theme integration - search form did not disappear after exiting mobile overlay

    FIX: Search suggestions were invisible because of a bug in the old version of jQuery UI. The method outerHeight() returned an object instead of a number

    FIX: Simplifying integration with Polylang

    FIX: PHP 8 compatibility

    FIX: Identifying an index build error due to a low "max_allowed_packet" value in the MySQL server

    FIX: Prevent cache indexer queue data

    FIX: Remove unused directories

    FIX: TranslatePress integration - wrong translation in suggestions URLs

    FIX: Troubleshooting tab - the button “Fix out of stock relationships” button doesn't work

    FIX: Not using search cache when its tables do not exist

    CHANGE: Remove info about rebranding

  • Release Date - October 25, 2021

    FIX: Unable to search in other languages than the default one (TranslatePress, qTranslate-XT, sometimes WPML)

  • Release Date - October 17, 2021

    ADD: Integration with “GeneratePress” theme

    ADD: Possibility to set a delay for initialization of mobile overlay

    ADD: New filter to manipulate the results score

    ADD: New debugging tools for an indexer

    ADD: Details Panel - support for responsive images including retina images (2x), sizes, and srcset

    ADD: Possibility to insert custom HTML in 5 places in the search suggestion

    ADD: New filter and action hooks

    ADD: Searching in custom taxonomies

    ADD: Allow to easier change the order of the search results by simple code snippets

    FIX: Prevent hiding search results on click an Enter key when submit is disabled via a filter

    FIX: No results on search page when WPML is active with “Language name added as a parameter” option

    FIX: Support for version v1.3.1 of Open Shop theme

    FIX: Integrating with Divi theme - delay in starting JS scripts

    FIX: Integrating with Divi theme - force search overlay for mobile devices

    FIX: Unnecessary HTML tags in the search input after selecting a suggestion

    FIX: Hide mobile overlay after submitting a form or clicking a result. Fixes screen after clicking iPhone back arrow

    FIX: [Troubleshooting] Fixed false negative in “OutOfStockRelationships test”. An order of arrays was taken into account for the diff function. It was replaced by full diff

    FIX: Unnecessary hiding all products in Woocommerce Memberships plugin (version < 1.22)

    FIX: Prevent an PDO error with the message “There is no active transaction”

    FIX: Prevent an fatal error with the message “Call to undefined function admin_url()” during search

    FIX: Unable to search products with very long SKU (more than 100 chars)

    FIX: No search results if B2BKing is active and hiding products is disabled

    FIX: Prevent errors while searching phrases that contain only spaces

    FIX: Unclosed tag <a/>

    FIX: Typo on Troubleshooting tab

    FIX: Clear “alt” attribute in the product thumbnail

    FIX: Disabling search cache when its tables do not exist

    REFACTOR: Direct passing items set to searchable indexer instead using DB

    REFACTOR: Escape search terms the way WordPress core does

    REFACTOR: Replacing image with thumbnails in "DgoraWcas\Post" class to keep a consistent style compared with "DgoraWcas\Product"

  • Release Date - July 27, 2021

    ADD: Integration with "eStore" theme

    ADD: Allow to open search result in new tab with Ctrl+left mouse key

    ADD: Integration with "Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce" plugin

    ADD: Ability to search in the content generated by the specified shortcodes

    ADD: Integration with WooCommerce Memberships plugin

    ADD: New filter to manipulating products score

    ADD: Integration with "Premmerce Brands for WooCommerce" plugin

    ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - add test if MySQL server has support to InnoDB engine

    FIX: Disappearing suggestions and details panel on click when there were more search bars

    FIX: Improved integration with "Avada" theme

    FIX: Improved mobile search in new version of "Rehub" theme

    FIX: Unable to use context menu and middle mouse button on search results

    FIX: "Eletro" theme - Support cases when the search overlay is disabled

    FIX: Identifying error "MySQL server has gone away"

    FIX: Brand related filters can now be used in a theme

    FIX: Change empty DB_HOST for IPv4 address

    FIX: PHP Warning in the indexer logs (rare case): array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given

    FIX: TranslatePress - randomly untranslated URLs of objects as they were added to the index

    REFACTOR: Clean up composer files

  • Release Date - June 22, 2021

    ADD: Integration with Electro theme

    ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - test language codes

    ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - check if the Elementor Pro has defined correct template for search results

    ADD: Support for “ACF” fields in the “Search in custom fields” list

    ADD: Support for “ACF Table” field in the “Search in custom fields” list

    ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - test if the index was built by the current plugin version

    ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - test "Out of stock" relationships

    ADD: Compatibility with “Permalink Manager for WooCommerce” plugin

    ADD: Support for qTranslate-XT

    FIX: “WOOF – Products Filter for WooCommerce” - disappearing filters if “Dynamic recount” and “Hide empty terms” was enabled and other issues

    FIX: TranslatePress v1.9.8 and higher - results on the search page were different from the results in the autocomplete

    FIX: Remove unnecessary AJAX request on select “See all products ... (X)”

    FIX: The search form is now generated without random ID, to be compatible with the LiteSpeed Cache plugin

    FIX: Order terms by total_products if there is the same score

    FIX: Better index rebuild enforcement when the plugin version changes

    FIX: PHP WARNING json_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given

    FIX: Not using the getmypid() function when it has been disabled

    FIX: Do not index term if isn't associated with any object

    FIX: The "Search in description" option now also applies to variations of products

    FIX: Reindex related products after edit/delete term. Applies to category, tag, brand and attribute

    FIX: Add another alternative location of wp-load.php file: wordpress/wp-load.php

    REFACTOR: Change .dgwt-wcas-suggestion element from <div> to <a> to allow open a suggestion in a new tab

  • Release Date - May 24, 2021

    ADD: Integration with Goya theme

    ADD: Integration with Top and Top Store Pro theme

    ADD: Keep the state of a details panel in memory instead of replacing it every time using jQuery.html() method. Doesn't clear quantity and "add to cart" states

    ADD: Prevent submit empty form

    ADD: Possibility to index only products belonging to the indicated categories, tags or groups of attributes

    ADD: Show category thumbnails in autocomplete suggestions

    ADD: Show brand thumbnails in autocomplete suggestions

    FIX: W3 validator warning: The type attribute for the style element is not needed and should be omitted

    FIX: Search terms with apostrophes

    FIX: Synchronization with the native WooCommerce option "Out of stock visibility"

    FIX: Hiding an unnecessary line in the product details when there is no description

    FIX: Adding polyfill for supporting “includes” in Internet Explorer 11

    FIX: Better elements positioning on the "Starting" tab on the plugin settings page

    FIX: Support for custom Google Analytics object name

    FIX: Better handling “plus” and “minus” buttons for a quantity field

    FIX: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_review_count() on null

    FIX: Displaying the search box off screen on mobile devices

    FIX: Correct way for rebuilding autocomplete feature on an input by manually recalling dgwtWcasAutocomplete(). Remove more events on dispose method

    FIX: Highlight single chars in autocomplete results

    FIX: Add trim on query value

    FIX: Clear search title and phrase from escape characters

    FIX: Indexer errors when only one language is active in WPML

    FIX: Rebuilding index when WPML active languages change

    FIX: Composer - allow to use PHP 7.0.x

    FIX: Variations are also excluded when the “Exclude 'out of stock' products” option is active

    FIX: AJAX endpoint search.php now send a proper empty response if language is invalid

    FIX: Identifying an indexer error related to a database connection limit

    FIX: Indexing variations when updating a single product

    FIX: Logging indexer timeout warning and show solution for it when indexer stuck

    FIX: Exclude terms in search result matched by “Exclude/include products” option

    FIX: “WOOF – Products Filter for WooCommerce” - correct results after using filter or pagination and counters next to the filters

    FIX: InnoDB engine forcing in index tables

    REFACTOR: Standardize filters name and define indexer set items count in one place

    CHANGE: Decrease searchable indexer set items count from 100 to 50

  • Release Date - April 22, 2021

    ADD: Possibility to disable select event on suggestions (click and hit the Enter key)

    ADD: Possibility to disable submit a search form via a filter

    ADD: New tool for debugging a indexer

    ADD: Notifying user (via icon) of an indexer error or index build delay

    ADD: Improving a search index build in the background

    ADD: New light method for building a search index - synchronously mode

    FIX: Not working click event on suggestions after using “back arrow” on a Safari browser

    FIX: Allow to recognize Chinese lang codes such as zh-hant and zh-hans

    FIX: Error on PHP 8. Wrong format for printf function

    FIX: When searching for something and then clicking “back arrow”, the “✕” for closing remained

    FIX: Wrong path in restoration theme

    FIX: Better checking of nonces

    FIX: Handle efficiently long queries by limiting characters and tokens when searching

    FIX: Correct handling of terms in which characters can be written differently eg. “läßt” and “lässt”

    FIX: Sort search results by popularity - “desc” instead “asc”

    FIX: Better detection when the indexer is stuck

    FIX: Skip collecting irrelevant MySQL errors by Query Monitor

    FIX: Troubleshooting - improvement of checking database connection by PDO

    FIX: Duplicate attributes in the variant title

    FIX: Indexer errors when only one language is active in TranslatePress

    FIX: Integration with WooCommerce Product Filter by WooBeWoo - no products with AJAX filtering

    FIX: Unnecessary sorting when fetching products with search results

    FIX: Allow to delete product from an index after making order

    FIX: Limit the search scope for multiple keywords as single letters

    REFACTOR: Troubleshooting - improved detection of problems with WP-Cron

    REFACTOR: Better indexer error handling

    REFACTOR: Build an index for variants in a separate background process

    REFACTOR: Build an index for taxonomies in a separate background process

    REMOVE: Excessive scheduler actions fixer was removed

  • Release Date - March 15, 2021

    ADD: Support for WooCommerce Private Store plugin

    ADD: TranslatePress integration

    ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - test if PDO can connect to DB

    ADD: Support for search products, post and pages with no translation in WPML (WPML settings: "Translatable - use translation if available or fallback to default language")

    CHANGE: Plugin rebranding - Replace the plugin name AJAX Search for WooCommerce with new name FiboSearch

    CHANGE: Plugin rebranding - Replace the old domain with new

    CHANGE: Plugin rebranding - Update visual assets

    CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK to v2.4.2

    CHANGE: New alternate shortcode [fibosearch] instead of [wcas-search-form]

    CHANGE: Min supported version of PHP is 7.0

    FIX: Fixed PHP Warning: json_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given

    FIX: Fixed Chrome lighthouse insights

    FIX: Missing of dgwt-wcas-active class when the search was focused too early

    FIX: Grammar and spelling errors in texts

    FIX: Speed up placeholder search engine when

    REMOVE: Removed useless dgwt-wcas-search-submit name attribute

    REMOVE: Removed unused search forms from a Avada theme

    REFACTOR: Move product related logic from Updater.php to Product.php

  • Release Date - February 03, 2021

    ADD: Support for Astra theme

    ADD: Support for Avada theme - replacing a fusion search form

    ADD: Support for Open Shop theme

    ADD: Support for Divi - menu in custom header and hiding search results when opening a search overlay

    ADD: Support for CiyaShop theme

    ADD: Support for BigCart theme

    ADD: Support for WCMP Marketplace

    ADD: New option to exclude products belonging to the indicated categories, tags or groups of attributes

    ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - valid search results

    ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - check if WooCommerce Multilingual is active when site uses WPML

    ADD: New test for the troubleshooting module - check if conflicted plugin YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search is installed

    ADD: Integration with WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options plugin

    ADD: Integration with B2BKing plugin

    ADD: Integration with Brands for WooCommerce plugin by BeRocket

    ADD: Integration with brands solution delivered by WP Bingo themes

    ADD: Limit the number of fields to be searched using the native engine when the search index is not ready

    FIX: Increase the clickable area of the 'back button' in the overlay mobile mode

    FIX: Disappearing search bar especially on Firefox

    FIX: Hide new aggressive admin notices added by other plugins

    FIX: Hide shortcodes in the Details Panel

    FIX: Divi theme integration - Prevent to focus input if it isn't empty. Fix case with more search bars in #main-header selector

    FIX: Adaptation to the new class name convention of WooCommerce Product Table plugin

    FIX: Fixed display of category names and tags in the Details Panel when the name contains an apostrophe

    FIX: Support for other language code like xx-xx

    FIX: Add attributes names of variations for search suggestions

    FIX: Easiest way of removing the search index from the database

    FIX: Bug related to run the search index process in loop for timezone GMT+11 and similar

    FIX: Incorrect language for post/pages

    FIX: Avoiding infinite index rebuilding when there are no products

    FIX: Add alternate WP loading path for Themosis Framework

  • Release Date - December 04, 2020

    ADD: Support for Rehub theme

    ADD: Support for Supro theme

    FIX: Troubleshooting module improvements

    FIX: Blinking suggestions

    FIX: Bug in icon colors

    FIX: Flatsome theme - quantity buttons issue

    FIX: Divi theme - hide extra search bar in footer

    FIX: Mobile overlay improvements for iPhones

    FIX: Better suggestion order for non latin letters

    FIX: Action URL in search form when Polylang is active

    FIX: Performance - prevent queuing redundant actions in Action Scheduler and remove unnecessary

    FIX: Undefined function admin_url() during some search request

    REMOVE: Mobile Detect library

  • Release Date - October 23, 2020

    ADD: Support for Sober theme

    ADD: Support for Divi theme

    ADD: Support for Block Shop theme

    ADD: Support for Enfold theme

    ADD: Support for Restoration theme

    ADD: Support for Salient theme

    ADD: Support for Konte theme

    ADD: New filter and action hooks

    ADD: <br> to HTML whitelist for search suggestions

    ADD: Allow to add search icon as menu item

    ADD: Allow to change colors of search icon

    ADD: Troubleshooting module on the plugin settings page

    ADD: Support for Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration plugin

    ADD: Integration with WooCommerce Wholesale Prices plugin - visibility of products and prices

    CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK to v2.4.1

    CHANGE: Replace old close "x" icon with Material Design icons

    FIX: Empty search results on search results page

    FIX: Support Touchpad click for some devices

    FIX: Mixed Content on the plugin settings page in some cases

    FIX: Integration with Flatsome theme

    FIX: Broken translations via WPML String Translation

    FIX: Wrong time in Scheduling Indexing feature

    FIX: Bug in synonyms regex

    FIX: Add primary keys to few DB tables to improve compatibility with DigitalOcean hosting

    FIX: Automatic select variation suggestion after submit the form

    FIX: Support for WooCommerce Products Visibility - show products if there are no rules yet

    FIX: Improved integration with JetSmartFilters and JetWooBuilder plugins

    FIX: Support for adoptive options feature in Product Filter for WooCommerce (by XforWooCommerce) plugin

    FIX: Issues related to high CPU usage

    FIX: Improved checking if Polylang plugin is active

    FIX: Bug with DB collation in specific cases

  • Release Date - July 12, 2020

    ADD: Integration with FacetWP plugin

    ADD: Support for Shopkeeper theme

    ADD: Support for The7 theme

    ADD: Support for Avada theme

    ADD: Support for Shop Isle theme

    ADD: Support for Shopical theme

    ADD: Support for Ekommart theme

    ADD: Support for Savoy theme

    ADD: Support for Sober theme

    ADD: Support for Bridge theme

    ADD: Possibility to change search icon color

    ADD: New filter hook for a search form value

    ADD: Support for Site Search module in Google Analytics

    ADD: Support fro brand served via Martfury Addons plugin, the part of the Martfury theme

    ADD: Integration with WooCommerce Products Visibility plugin

    FIX: Add CSS border-box for each elements in search bar, suggestions and details panel

    FIX: Sending events to Google Tag Manager

    FIX: Remove <b> from product title

    FIX: Search by categories and tags for Russian terms

    FIX: Duplicated category in breadcrumb

    FIX: No results when searching for phrase included apostrophe or double quote

    FIX: Details panel - Remove HTML from titles attribute

    FIX: Fixed for integration with Woo Product Filter plugin by WooBeWoo

    FIX: Fixed for integration with XforWooCommerce plugin

    FIX: Error: Undefined index: is_taxonomy in some cases

    FIX: Better relevancy for exact match product title or SKU

    FIX: Displaying product variation in the Details Panel

  • Release Date - May 17, 2020

    FIX: Selecting suggestions issue

  • Release Date - May 17, 2020

    ADD: Icon search instead of search bar (beta)

    ADD: Improvements on search results pages

    ADD: Integration with native WooCommerce filters

    ADD: Integration with Advanced AJAX Product Filters plugin by BeRocket

    ADD: Integration with WOOF – Products Filter for WooCommerce plugin by realmag777

    ADD: Integration with Product Filters for WooCommerce plugin by Automattic developed by Nexter

    ADD: Integration with Woo Product Filter plugin by WooBeWoo

    ADD: Integration with WooCommerce Product Table plugin by Barn2 media

    ADD: Support for TheGem theme

    ADD: Support for Impreza theme

    ADD: Support for Medicor theme

    ADD: Support for WoodMart theme

    ADD: Support for Polylang

    ADD: New filter and action hooks

    ADD: Dynamically loaded prices for WPML Multi-currency feature

    ADD: Update search index for parent product on variation change

    ADD: New filter hook to search products by category description

    ADD: New filter hook to disable updater. Useful when importing large dataset

    CHANGE: Remove outdated backward compatibility system

    CHANGE: Move wp_register_style under the wp_enqueue_scripts hook

    FIX: Mobile search - don't hide suggestions on blur

    FIX: Bug related to highlight keywords. For some cases it displayed <strong> tag

    FIX: Delay on mouse hover effect

    FIX: Minor CSS improvements

    FIX: Broken mobile view on cart page in some cases

    FIX: AJAX endpoint - support for WP directory structure of Flywheel hosting

    FIX: Synonyms feature - better replacement special chars

    FIX: Synonyms feature - support for Cyrillic

    FIX: Synonyms feature - more matching synonyms to single text

    FIX: Press ENTER key on "See all products..."

    FIX: Loading unexpected PorterStemmer

    FIX: Better search order - extra score for exact match

    FIX: Admin settings - better manage custom fields (Selectize)

    FIX: Redirect to product variation with preselected attributes instead of open search results page (on submit)

    FIX: Wrong search expression when special chars exist

    FIX: Displaying no results when search engine found nothing

    FIX: Not working action scheduler

  • Release Date - March 11, 2020

    ADD: Details panel - display stock quantity

    ADD: Support for YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-on (free version)

    ADD: Support for Perfect WooCommerce Brands support

    ADD: Better search for phrases include special chars

    ADD: Update a product info in search index after make changes via WooCommerce REST API

    CHANGE: Rename jQuery object from Autocomplete to DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch because of namespaces conflicts

    FIX: Better support for the Elementor including popups and sticky menu

    FIX: Better support for page builders. Late initialization

    FIX: Disabling automatic regenerate thumbnails. Conditionally images regeneration

    FIX: HTTP 500 on getResultDetails for some cases

    FIX: Too long description in live suggestions

    FIX: Add non-breaking space for prices

    FIX: JS errors Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window' (for some cases)

    FIX: Better sync on search results page

    FIX: Support for Advanced AJAX Product Filters by BeRocket

    FIX: Synonyms in Vietnamese

    FIX: Issues related to multi currencies in WPML

    FIX: Issues related to "out of stock" status

    FIX: Non-indexing products in WPML (for some cases)

    FIX: Search issues when fuzzy search feature is disabled

  • Release Date - February 18, 2020

    ADD: Details Panel - new layout for product overview and other UX improvements

    ADD: Automatically regenerates images after first plugin activation

    ADD: Synonyms

    ADD: Search by tags

    ADD: Filter for all labels for easier overwriting

    ADD: Action hook on indexer completed

    FIX: Minor issues in search preview in the settings

    FIX: Details panel - hide "add to cart" button after adding - fix for some themes

    FIX: Details panel - display overview for post and page suggestion type

    FIX: Details panel - display overview for brand suggestion type

    FIX: Better product short descriptions for suggestion and details panel

    FIX: Repair the index rebuild after changing settings

    FIX: Highlighted no results suggestion

    FIX: Better security

  • Release Date - January 26, 2020

    ADD: Scheduling Indexing via the plugin settings

    ADD: Builds the index asynchronously after save or delete products. Does not block the product edit logic

    ADD: Support for Bedrock default ABSPATH

    ADD: Search debugger

    ADD: Update a search index after call create/update and delete methods via WooCommerce REST API

    ADD: Details Panel - grouped load, faster load

    ADD: New way to embed search box - embedding by menu

    ADD: Details panel - show "more products..." link for taxonomy type suggestion

    ADD: Add <form> to quantity elements in a details panel

    ADD: New filters and actions hook

    CHANGE: Increase limit for GROUP_CONCAT (group_concat_max_len) to 100000

    CHANGE: Disable search by title for post/pages by default

    CHANGE: Decrease debounce time for better speed effect

    CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK v2.3.2

    FIX: Always submit form on press ENTER key

    FIX: Switch to Native WP search engine when the index isn't completed

    FIX: Exclude from cache update_option in the indexer

    FIX: Stemmer - Backward compatibility

    FIX: Product variations exact match

    FIX: Better order by score for post and pages

    FIX: Permalink for variable products

    FIX: Indexer progress bar percent overload in some cases

    FIX: Table dgwt_wcas_tax_index - SQL error for CREATE INDEX Statement

    FIX: Minor indexer errors

    FIX: Variable products SKU exact match - show variant only if it has own SKU

    FIX: Search by meta fields - better meta key validation

    FIX: WPML - Support for hidden languages

    FIX: Automatic index update after changing settings: show pages, show posts

    FIX: Better rules for checking "out of stock" products

    FIX: MySQL connector - fix bug related to empty charset

    FIX: Issue related to colors in plugin settings

    FIX: Suggestions groups - improved limits

    FIX: Pricing for taxonomy term in a details panel

    FIX: Show a details panel on keys UP and DOWN

    FIX: Mobile search overlay - block scroll of <html> tag (issue on iPhones)

    FIX: Better data-wcas-context ID, bypasses opcache

    FIX: W3C - Accessibility errors

    FIX: Storefront mobile search - more time for input autofocus

    FIX: Disable quantity for Astra Pro theme - there were broken buttons

    FIX: Minor CSS improvements

  • Release Date - December 08, 2019

    ADD: Search by variation products description

    ADD: WPML support

    ADD: Support for - Visibility by Country

    ADD: Support for - Prices by Country

    ADD: New translations

    ADD: Non-product search - posts

    ADD: Non-product search - pages

    ADD: Possibility to change collation

    ADD: Wptexturize support

    ADD: Suggestions groups

    ADD: Hide advanced settings

    ADD: Better grouping of settings

    ADD: Support for Google Analytics events

    ADD: Search bar preview in settings

    ADD: New action and filters hooks

    CHANGE: Removing all custom DB tables and options after removing the plugin

    CHANGE: Removing all custom DB tables before build new search index

    CHANGE: Rename class Buildier to Builder

    CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK

    REMOVE: Search engine based on SQLite

    FIX: Flatsome theme support for [search] shortcode

    FIX: Images in details panel

    FIX: Custom attributes support

    FIX: Indexer improvements

    FIX: Post IDs bigger than 2147483647

    FIX: Support for unexpected and bad output from methods of WC_Product class

    REMOVE: Remove ontouch event from mobile detect

  • Release Date - September 21, 2019

    FIX: Infinite loop after plugin activation (for some users)

    FIX: Updating brands in the search index after saving product

    FIX: Updating custom fields in the search index after saving product

  • Release Date - September 16, 2019

    ADD Search by custom fields

    ADD Search by brands (support for WooCommerce Brands and YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-on Premium)

    ADD Show also matching brands in the autocomplete suggestions similar to category and tags

    ADD: Integration with the Flatsome theme. It is possible to replace the Flatsome search form via one checbox in the plugin settings page

    CHANGE: Update/sync fork of devbridge/jQuery-Autocomplete to the latest version

    CHANGE: Settings design

    FIX: Indexer issues with shared hosting and PHP FPM limitations

    FIX: Empty plugin logo in the opt-in form

    FIX: Bug with post ID larger that 8388607

    FIX: Overload servers. Optimization for chain AJAX requests. Creates a debounced function that delays invoking func until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was invoked

    FIX: Better support for HTML entities in products title and description

    FIX: Issues with mobile search version on Storefront theme for iPhones

  • Release Date - August 05, 2019

    ADD: Filter for search results output

    ADD: French translations

    CHANGE: Improving the logger

    CHANGE: Reduction of supported operators for the boolean search feature to only '&' and '|'

    CHANGE: More relevant results for SKUs

    CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK

    FIX: Better support for fixed menu

    FIX: Add box-sizing to the search input to better implementation for some themes

    FIX: Duplicated class Mobile_Detect in some cases

    FIX: Submit button position in some cases

    FIX: Zoom in iPhones on focused input

    FIX: Size of images for categories and tags in the Details panel

    FIX: Improvements in MySQL connections

    FIX: Support for SSL MySQL connections

    FIX: Increase term column size to 127 chars

    FIX: Add DEFAULT value for lang table in DB

    FIX: Update index after changes in terms

    FIX: Show terms even there are no relevant products

  • Release Date - May 04, 2019

    ADD: New modern mobile search UX (beta, disabled by default, enabled only for Storefront theme)

    ADD: Italian translations

    ADD: Spain translations

    CHANGE: Migration from SQLite to MySQL

    CHANGE: Remove unimportant files from vendor

    CHANGE: Implementing flexbox grid (CSS)

    FIX: Problem with duplicated SKU

    FIX: Error with empty attributes

    FIX: Minor search improvements

    FIX: Support for <sup> tag

    FIX: Support or HTML entities in categories and terms names

    FIX: Error with WP Search WooCommerce Integration

    FIX: Conflict with the Divi theme for some cases

  • Release Date - March 02, 2019

    ADD: New logos

    CHANGE: Longer search time limit for searchable index building process

    CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK

    FIX: Indexer improvements

    FIX: Support for tokenizer after updating a product

    FIX: Multiple SKU variations

    FIX: Deactivate browser native "X" icon for search input

    FIX: Products images for tags and categories in Details panel

    FIX: Security fix

  • Release Date - February 17, 2019

    FIX: Order by price on the search results page

  • Release Date - February 16, 2019

    ADD: Add the tokenizer. Better support for "-" and "." in the search terms

    ADD: Emergency mode for the indexer

    ADD: Better errors logging (only for PHP 7)

    ADD: Filters support in the SHORTINIT mode

    ADD: The WP Background Processing package hosted independently

    ADD: The text "No results" and "See all results..." can be customized in the plugin settings

    ADD: New filters and hooks

    CHANGE: Add the "booleanSearch" as a default search mode

    CHANGE: Enforcing use "box-sizing: border-box" within the search form

    CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK

    FIX: Infinite loop in the indexer in some cases

    FIX: Better highlighting results

    FIX: Wrong scoring by SKU

    FIX: PHP error with $_SERVER variable

    FIX: The errors with indexing products with the status "Out of the stock"

    FIX: The error with artificially duplicated search forms occurred in the Mega Menu plugin and some themes

    FIX: The error with missing Apache "headers" extension

    FIX: Hide the "Account" link in the free plugin versions

    FIX: The error with the appearance of the tags suggestion

    FIX: Problem with artificially duplicated search forms occurred in the Mega Menu plugin and some themes

  • Release Date - January 06, 2019

    FIX: PHP error with widget

  • Release Date - January 06, 2019

    ADD: Speed up search by new search engine based on inverted index

    ADD: Fuzzy search

    ADD: Search by variation products SKUs

    ADD: Search by product attributes

    ADD: If there are more results than limit, the "See all results..." link will appear

    ADD: Information about the PRO features

    ADD: Breadcrumbs for nested product categories

    FIX: Better synchronization between the ajax search results and the search page

    CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK

    FIX: Improvements in the scoring system

    FIX: Image placeholder for products without image

    FIX: Add SKU label translatable in the suggestions

  • Release Date - October 26, 2018

    ADD: Storefront support as a option. Allows to replace the native Storefront search form

    FIX: Improving the relevance of search results by adding score system

    FIX: Problem with too big images is some cases

    FIX: Support for HTML entities in the search results

    FIX: Bugs with the blur event on mobile devices

  • Release Date - August 24, 2018

    ADD: Backward compatibility system

    ADD: Support of image size improvements in Woocommerce 3.3

    ADD: Dynamic width of the search form

    ADD: Option to set max width of the search form

    ADD: DISABLE_NAG_NOTICES support for admin notices

    ADD: More hooks for developers

    ADD: Minified version of CSS and JS

    ADD: Label for taxonomy suggestions

    ADD: Quantity input for a add to cart button in the Details panel

    CHANGE: Code refactor for better future development. Composer and PSR-4 support (in part)

    CHANGE: Better settings organization

    CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK

    FIX: Problem with covering suggestions by other HTML elements of themes

    FIX: Details panel in RTL

    FIX: Improvements for the IE browser

  • Release Date - April 22, 2018

    CHANGE: PHP requires tag set to PHP 5.5

    CHANGE: Woocommerce requires tags

    CHANGE: Updated Freemius SDK

    FIX: Removed duplicate IDs

    REMOVE: Removed uninstall.php

  • Release Date - October 01, 2017

    FIX: Disappearing some categories and tags in suggestions

    FIX: Hidden products were shown in search

  • Release Date - September 05, 2017

    ADD: Requires PHP tag in readme.txt

    FIX: PHP Fatal error for PHP < 5.3

  • Release Date - September 03, 2017

    ADD: Admin notice if there is no WooCommerce installed

    ADD: Admin notice for better feedback from users

    CHANGE: Move menu item to WooCommerce submenu

    FIX: Deleting the 'dgwt-wcas-open' class after hiding the suggestion

    FIX: Allows to display HTML entities in suggestions title and description

    FIX: Better synchronizing suggestions and resutls on a search page

  • Release Date - July 12, 2017

    ADD: New WordPress filters

    FIX: Repetitive search results

    FIX: Extra details when there are no results

  • Release Date - June 7, 2017

    FIX: Replace deprecated methods and functions in WC 3.0.x

  • Release Date - June 6, 2017

    ADD: Added Portable Object Template file

    ADD: Added partial polish translation

    FIX: WooCommerce 3.0.x compatible

    FIX: Menu items repeated in a search page

    FIX: Other minor bugs

  • Release Date - October 5, 2016

    NEW: Add WPML compatibility

    FIX: Repeating search results for products in a admin dashboard

    FIX: Overwrite default input element rounding for Safari browser

  • Release Date - July 24, 2016

    FIX: Disappearing widgets

    FIX: Trivial things in CSS

  • Release Date - July 22, 2016

    FIX: Synchronization WP Query on a search page and ajax search query

    CHANGE: Disable auto select the first suggestion

    CHANGE: Change textdomain to ajax-search-for-woocommerce

  • Release Date - June 30, 2016

    FIX: PHP syntax error with PHP version < 5.3

  • Release Date - June 30, 2016

    FIX: Excess AJAX requests in a detail mode

    FIX: Optimization JS mouseover event in a detail mode

    FIX: Trivial things in CSS

  • Release Date - June 24, 2016

    Added [Option] Exclude out of stock products from suggestions
    Added [Option] Overwrite a suggestion container width
    Added [Option] Show/hide SKU in suggestions
    Added Add no results note
    Fixed Search by products SKU
    Fixed Trivial changes in CSS and JS files
  • Release Date - June 5, 2016

    Added Javascript and CSS dynamic compression
    Fixed Incorrect dimensions of the custom preloader
  • Release Date - May 17, 2016

    Added First public release