
What’s new in FiboSearch v1.28

Written by Damian Góra
Max 1min read

A bunch of 16 bug fixes and 10 additions to FiboSearch. The plugin version v1.28.0 was released on May 21, 2024.

Added New search bar style – a compact version of a Pirx style
Added Integration with the Cartzilla theme
Added Integration with the Rey theme
Added Placeholders to display custom content for new suggestion types like taxonomy, post, page, and product_variation
Added Multilingual – allowing longer language codes (or slugs in TranslatePress)
Added TranslatePress – possibility to skip product translation
Added Allowing indexing of variants that have zero price
Added Debugger – catalog visibility and stock status checker
Added Debugger – products visibility checker
Added Possibility to generate product data variants in the index without spaces
Fixed Woodmart theme – unable to close the mobile menu after exiting the mobile search overlay
Fixed Flatsome theme – disappearing search bar on mobile phones
Fixed Flatsome – cannot change search bar style to Pirx
Fixed Divi theme – shortcodes are not rendered in the description in the Details Panel for pages
Fixed XStore theme – the integration doesn’t replace all search forms
Fixed Uncode theme – the search icon doesn’t show in the header
Fixed Force disabling transition effect on search input to avoid unexpected layout bouncing
Fixed Allowing to calculate score including one and two-character words
Fixed Better recognition of iOS
Fixed Indexing error due to too long HTML prices of variations
Fixed Indexing error when product attribute is empty
Fixed No results with WPML and WooCommerce Wholesale Prices plugins
Fixed Incorrect comparison in the tokenizer. Make stopwords lowercase in the tokenizer before calling array_diff
Fixed Possibility to pass the language when debugging the product in the index
Tweak Removed OPcache invalidation for the shortcode template file
Tweak Reverting test in Troubleshooting module for newer versions of HUSKY – Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce plugin
Updated The .pot file
Updated Freemius SDK to v2.7.2

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