Refers to FiboSearch Pro only

How to change the order of search results groups?

Autocomplete suggestions are divided into groups. For example, product category results appear above products. How to change this?

  1. Create a new fibosearch.php file in the root directory of your child theme
  2. Paste the following code into this file:

/** -------------------------------------
 *  Custom autocomplete headlines order
 *  ------------------------------------- */
add_filter( 'dgwt/wcas/search_groups', function ( $groups ) {

  $groups['tax_brand']['order']           = 5;
  $groups['tax_product_cat']['order'] = 120;
  $groups['tax_product_tag']['order'] = 20;
  $groups['post']['order']            = 30;
  $groups['page']['order']            = 40;
  $groups['product']['order']         = 100;

  return $groups;
} );

3. Change the priorities. If you want to display products under categories, change $groups['product']['order'] = 100; to $groups['product']['order'] = 3;